Cracking the acne code: my transformation to beautiful, blemish-free skin

My transformation to beautiful, blemish-free skin was filled with frustration, despair, and, eventually, triumph.

Picture this: it’s the morning of a big event, and you wake up with an unexpected visitor on your face – a stubborn pimple. We’ve all been there. For me, this scenario was not a once-in-a-while occurrence; it was a daily struggle.

Let me take you through this rollercoaster of skincare escapades where I discovered that sometimes, you have to dig deeper than your pores to find the answers.

Table of Contents

A Hidden Culprit

The tale of my acne woes begins with the classic puberty plotline. As soon as my teenage years hit, acne decided to set up camp on my face, chest, and shoulders. I tried an army of face creams, dabbled in natural treatments like aloe vera and clay masks, and even ventured into the mysterious world of dermatologists. These creams promised results, but like that one-hit-wonder pop song, they’d give me a brief moment of relief before my skin slipped back into its old habits.

My dermatologist, sensing something amiss, dropped a bombshell: I might need to see a gynecologist. A visit to the gyno revealed that my skin’s struggles were just the tip of the iceberg. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is like the supervillain of the hormonal world, causing chaos throughout the body, including the skin.

First off, PCOS loves to create tiny cysts in your ovaries. These cysts are like those annoying party crashers who show up uninvited and cause chaos. This can throw your menstrual cycle out of whack, making it irregular or even nonexistent. No-show Aunt Flo? Blame it on PCOS.

But wait, there’s more! PCOS often brings along some unwanted guests like acne, extra hair (especially in places you’d rather not have it), and weight gain. It can also mess with your mood swings and make you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster with no seatbelt.

So, what can you do about it? Well, treatment varies from person to person. Some may need birth control pills to help regulate hormones, while others might opt for lifestyle changes like a healthier diet and regular exercise.

In my case, the doctor prescribed birth control pills and antibiotics. And so, I went back into the world, hopeful that this might be the end of my acne era.

The Hormonal Rollercoaster

Sure enough, the pills showed some promise. My skin was beginning to cooperate, and life seemed brighter. But, and it’s a big but, it came at a price. I found myself in the clutches of depression, riding emotional rollercoasters that even Disney would consider too intense. Cue the tears, the mood swings, and the ever-present anxiety.

With the heavy heart of a Shakespearean protagonist, I decided to quit the medication. The clouds began to clear, but my acne didn’t get the memo. It decided to stage a comeback, this time with a vengeance. The acne was no longer a mere inconvenience; it was now a painful, in-your-face (quite literally) nemesis.

Desperate and feeling like I’d just joined the losing side of a cosmic poker game, I sought yet another medical opinion. This time, the verdict was different. PCOS? Nope. Hormonal imbalance? Negative. Apparently, I was as healthy as a (very stressed) horse.

But the struggle was far from over. Birth control pills were back on the menu, with a promise of no side effects this time. Spoiler alert: promises can be deceiving. I bid farewell to the pills a few months later, and that’s when things took a dark turn. The acne decided it had been on vacation for too long and returned with a vengeance.

before pictures showing acneic skin, large blemishes
These are the only two photos I have left from September 2019, back when my skin was at its worst. As you can imagine, it’s not easy for me to share these with the world. I was very insecure about this for a long time.

Taking Matters into My Own Hands

In a cruel twist of fate, I found myself right back where I started, only this time with more scars and a prescription pad that resembled a rejected manuscript. It was then that I decided to take the matter into my own hands. Armed with determination, a decent paycheck (thank you, first job!), and a library of skincare knowledge, I ventured into the wild world of personal experimentation.

First, I got to know my skin, and boy, did I learn a lot. My skin was oily, like an aspiring deep fryer. It needed a regulator, something to keep its sebum production in check without sending it into a Sahara Desert-level drought.

Then there was the revelation: climate and medications had as much power over my skin as skincare products did. This was a learning curve I hadn’t anticipated.

Finding the Right Products to Transform My Skin

With newfound wisdom, I started hunting for the right products. The first on my list was a cleanser – something gentle, affordable, and minimalistic in ingredients. Garnier had been my go-to, but CeraVe’s Foaming Facial Cleanser took the spotlight and gave my skin a Cinderella moment. This is the cleanser I still use to this day.

Despite my oiliness, moisturizing became non-negotiable. I discovered that even my greasy face needed some hydration; otherwise, it would retaliate with even more oil. CeraVe’s moisturizer became my nightly companion.

I also introduced a couple of heavy hitters: a niacinamide serum and retinol, applied a few times a week. But there was one unsung hero that I absolutely couldn’t skip – sunscreen. No more taking chances with the sun’s relentless rays.

The skincare products I use now:
– Effaclar Duo(+) from La Roche-Posay
– CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
– Mario Badescu Drying Lotion;
– Dropology Purify Zinc + Niacinamide (I used to get the one from The Ordinary, but I find they’re very similar and I like both);
– The Ordinary Retinol Serum 1% in Squalane (I recommend starting at a lower percentage of retinol if you’re new to using it, as it can be quite powerful)
– The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution 30ml (I use it once a week)
– Cerave Blemish Control Gel Moisturizer for blemish-prone skin
– Cetephil PRO Oil Control Moisturizing Lotion SPF30
– Garnier SkinActive All in 1 Micellar Water
– Face Roller and Gua Sha

I know this seems like a lot of products, and I don’t think they’re all strictly necessary. If you’re just starting out trying to find the right products for you, it would help to:

  • Start by getting to know your skin type: Determine if you have oily, dry, combination, sensitive, or normal skin. This forms the basis for product selection.
  • List any specific skin concerns you want to address, such as acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, or sensitivity.
  • If you have persistent skin issues or conditions, seek professional advice from a dermatologist.
  • Check ingredient lists for potential irritants or allergens that may not be suitable for your skin type.
  • Before using a new product, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for adverse reactions.
  • Look for reputable brands known for effective and safe skincare products.
  • Determine how much you’re willing to invest in your skincare routine, and try to stick to your budget.
  • Learn about cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and treatments to understand which ones are essential for YOUR routine.
  • Select a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type to remove impurities without over-drying.
  • Pick a moisturizer that aligns with your skin type to maintain hydration and balance.
  • Incorporate a broad-spectrum sunscreen into your routine to protect against UV damage.
  • Don’t start using multiple new products at once. Introduce them gradually to monitor how your skin reacts.
  • Tailor your skincare routine to address your specific concerns, adding treatments like retinoids, hyaluronic acid, or vitamin C as needed.
  • Use your skincare products consistently to see results over time.
  • Pay attention to how your skin responds to products and adjust your routine accordingly.
  • Understand that skincare results may take weeks or even months, so be patient.
  • Remember that diet, hydration, sleep, and stress management also play a role in skin health.
  • Maintain a skincare diary to track product usage and results, helping you identify what works best for your skin.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized skincare routine that addresses your unique needs and helps you achieve healthy, glowing skin.

I took this photo right after getting out of the shower, to show I’m not wearing any makeup. There are also no edits or filters on it.

As you can see, I still have very visible pores and a few acne scars here and there, but, all in all, my skin looks much better. I’m still working on fixing these additional issues, and it hasn’t been easy.

I started being much more careful with my diet in the past couple of months, and I’ve noticed it making a difference. I’m also researching additional products I think could help, and I’ll update this article as soon as I have more info on that.
My Transformation to Beautiful Blemish-Free Skin
I wanted to share a photo from 2020 as well, to show you what a difference a few short months can make.

Empowered by Knowledge

And there you have it – the epic tale of how I banished the acne demons and restored my skin to its former glory. Though the scars linger as a battle-worn souvenir, they serve as a reminder of the battles I’ve fought and the wisdom I’ve gained.

The moral of the story? Your skin has its story too, and sometimes, you need to pen a few chapters yourself. In the ever-evolving saga of skincare, I learned that persistence, knowledge, and the right products can turn the tide in your favor.

Do you have a skincare journey you’d like to share? Or maybe some product recorecommendations, something that worked wonders for you? I’d love to here from you in the comments below!

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